Social Media

What’s included

Community Management

Each course entails an hour-long live video session with Tina & Rose, in which you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions at the end. You’ll be assigned homework and will be tested to track your progress.

Instagram / Tiktok Management

Each course entails an hour-long live video session with Tina & Rose, in which you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions at the end. You’ll be assigned homework and will be tested to track your progress.

Content Creation

Each course entails an hour-long live video session with Tina & Rose, in which you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions at the end. You’ll be assigned homework and will be tested to track your progress.

Amazon Organic Media

Each course entails an hour-long live video session with Tina & Rose, in which you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions at the end. You’ll be assigned homework and will be tested to track your progress.

Branding & Photography

After a course is completed, a video session will be scheduled with Tina & Rose to relay your end of course evaluation. They will provide you a retro on your strengths, weaknesses and areas to improve.

Media Production

After a course is completed, a video session will be scheduled with Tina & Rose to relay your end of course evaluation. They will provide you a retro on your strengths, weaknesses and areas to improve.

* Social Media Strategy
* Hashtag strategy
* Content calendar and planning
* Graphic design and content creation
* Reels/TikTok creation
* Engagement + growth strategies
* Community management
* Posting and Scheduling Content
* Monthly analytics and tracking

*Starting at $1,800 per month


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